Sunday, November 27, 2011

Imaginary Animals

The Sketchbook Challenge for November is Imaginary Animals. It is harder for me to create an imaginary animal, I have to see what I am creating. My inner vision is cloudy at best. I finally came up with some. Actually, even using a reference photo like I did with the cat is still imaginary.

Then I found the word "stunk" describing a skunk which has released its aroma. Skunk is an Algonquin word for animal that squirts. Very appropriate. And of course, rutabaga is one of my favorite words that tickle me.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Nine Cents Short

Well, I labored over having a  name for so long, it's hard to know where to begin. So many artist have their own blog, so I created Artful-Dollops for my artistic journey. At last, I am ready to finally join the world of blogging.