Friday, May 18, 2012

May Catching up - June is almost here.

I am playing catch-up-now all I have to do is the May theme of "fruits and vegetables".

April, 2012
Sketchbook Challenge is "open".

March 22, 2012

Started post-chemo treatments. Sketchbook Challenge for March is "flowers."

February 24, 2012
Surgery for breast cancer (lumpectomy was successful!) Now I just have 12 weeks of post-chemo ending June 7th. Anyway, here is my Sketchbook Challenge for February. The theme is closeup so I used a fingerprint to journal what has been going on and pithy sayings.  I used vellum to write on with a Rotring 0.3 pen and Koi watercolors and assorted colorpens.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January Sketchbook Challenge

As you can see, the Sketchbook Challenge is doodling and so far I have doodled leaves....


And rubber bands!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Got my License!

I finished the 75 day sketch challenge from Brenda Swenson. It was a good challenge and I hope to establish the habit of sketching directing with ink more often. It is hard for me not to pencil in a rough outline.